St. Veronica Catholic School is “home” to 350 students, with a student-to-teacher ratio of 18:1. Our school has excellent academic programs, outstanding professional teachers, and a Christian-disciplined atmosphere where all children have the opportunity to excel. The school family centers on our love for Christ and therefore our love for each other. We are dedicated to excellence and developing positive character in all of our students.
Our 30 teachers have over 400 years of combined teaching experience.
Students in grades 4-8, who qualify with superior cognitive ability, are invited to participate in a bi-weekly Gifted Enrichment class to engage in stimulating and challenging learning experiences beyond the standard curriculum.
All students in grades K-3 participate in a weekly Innovations class, designed to encourage and inspire problem solving and investigative skills while enriching grade-level content standards.
Students in grades 6-8 participate in tracked math classes that allow us to meet academic needs on a variety of levels.
Our students participate in enrichment classes including, Art, Music, P.E., Technology, and Spanish.
Our Fine Arts Electives Program allows students in grades 5-8 to choose a fine arts area of interest to deepen their knowledge throughout the school year. Students choose to enrich their skills in Band, Vocal Ensemble, or Visual Arts.
St. Veronica utilizes iReady Diagnostic Assessments to track and evaluate student growth in reading and math. Students also participate in iReady's Personalized Learning Program to support student learning on an individualized level.
St. Veronica has designated intervention time for students who need support from our intervention team.
Reading and Math Specialists offer support to students who do not qualify for an IEP but demonstrate a need for more academic support in these areas.
We partner with the University of Dayton's ECHO (Empowering Children with Hope and Opportunity) program to offer our students counseling services.
Students in grades 1-8 are 1:1 with Google Chromebooks. Students in Pre-K and Kindergarten utilize classroom sets of iPads.
We invite you to explore our school and personally witness why St. Veronica was rated the best Catholic school on the East Side! Request a tour today!